Brandon Sanders

I met Pastor Brandon in 2009 as a recovering man at Wings of Life. God literally transformed his life! He is a powerful witness for the Lord!  God finds diamonds in dusty places hidden in caves filled with soot and combustible chemicals. Such were some of us, but God…

This reminds me of another analogy taken from Nehemiah 4:2 when Sanballat, the enemy of Israel tried to discourage the workers from rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, “Do these feeble Jews actually think they can make something of stones from a rubbish heap—and charred ones at that?” Yes, through God’s empowering work, all things are possible!


Brandon was in town the last week in September and ministered at Graceport Church, Wings of Life and the Home of Grace for Women.

He serves as Executive Pastor at Powerhouse Church in Katy, TX, along with his wife Cary (another powerful story of redemption.) It was good to have him in our home for a couple of days.

Gary Browning